Monday 18 October 2010

Yr7 - Model Volcano project
Mission: All students are required to build a volcano and label its main features
Time: To be handed in the 1st week after half term
·       Try making out of cardboard and Paper mache or Modelling Clay
·       How about making a cross section of one labelling all the internal features
·       A volcano in a box?
·       Get Parents to help (a bit), Use diagrams in your books, look on Internet, check out the examples in C12
Examples below

A cross section volcano model

Full volcano (But needs labelling)

Thursday 7 October 2010

Year 8 - Cool Cornwall - Eden Project homework

  Eden Project - before
How does it make you feel?

Eden Project - After
(Click on the image to enlarge)

And remember guys, in for next week please - Cheers Mr L